This weekend we took Jax to his first miniature horse show in Shelbyville, TN. It was put on by the club that Granny and Granddaddy belong to called The Tennessee Miniature Horse Volunteers. Of course the Fitches and Hatmakers were the hospitality booth volunteers. It was loads of fun and we got to see all of the horses in various stages of readiness since the staging area was right in front of our booth. Jax was a good boy, despite teething and not sleeping very well at night. He was content to hang out, swing or go for a ride in his stroller to check everyone out.
Dressed to steal the show! Being a cowboy is hard work!! The horse trailer provided a quiet place for some down time in his swing.

The Hospitality Booth. Swinging with his very own pony! Hanging out in the "Happy Seat" After a meltdown from being hot and tired of being held, we dtripped Jax down and laid him in this chair to change his diaper. It immedaitely brought back those precious grins, giggles and squeals!
Granddaddy and Jax Granny's #1 Cowboy
It was also a weekend of many firsts. Jax went swimming for the first time at the hotel indoor pool, nibbled his first doughnut and has taken to drinking bottled water like a yuppy! It's amazing how fast he's growing up and learning to do new things! He has also developed a little temper. I can't imagine where he got that! We definately have our hands full!!
Checking out the pool with Daddy. First just a lick, then some major chomping on an doughnut! Granny and Daddy taught Jax to drink out of a water bottle in about 15 minutes. He is a prodigy!!