Happy Birthday to ME! Happy Birthday to ME! Happy Birthday, dear Jax! Happy Birthday to ME!
Wow! On November 1st , we had my first birthday party. I heard Mom and Granny planning it for weeks, and Mom would tell me all about what to expect. Well all I can say is words do not do a birthday party justice!! First of all, how bad can anything be when you get tons of helium balloons!! Then, cake and presents and family and friends, being outside, something called a bonfire and pretty much getting away with whatever I wanted...Wooo Hoooo!!! Let's have a Birthday Party everyday! I am including some pictures so you can try to get an idea of how much fun it was!

Mom and Granny used some of my favorite things and LOTS of balloons for my centerpiece. It was such a beautiful warm fall day with a perfect breeze. Everything was just perfect and I am so grateful to everyone that got to come and celebrate with me!

Ok, all my girlfriends wear these things on their heads, various sizes and colors, all made of ribbon. They must somehow be painful because every time I try to grab one, I get NO!! NO!! NO!! Whatever, I'll just stick to my hats...after all, I am a Hatmaker!
OK, presents? Absolutely Brilliant!! Tissue Paper? Pure Genius!! Honestly, this part was so much fun that at one point I turned around so far to see my presents that I fell out of my chair! Fortunately, Gingle was right there and got me situated for....more presents!!
I'm happy and I know it so I'm clapping my hands!
After "Happy Birthday", everyone sang "You are my Sunshine" and "If You're Happy and You Know it" what a memory! I was mesmerized-and Happy!
THANK YOU to everyone who came!! You are all part of my "village" and Mom and Dad could not do it without your prayers, love and support! Thank you for my gifts and for making my First Birthday very special! Love you lots!!