Hi Everyone. It's Mom again. I have posted a couple of buttons on
Jax's blog for a couple of very sick little boys.
Jonah was born three weeks ago with a skin condition that causes him to have raw skin and blisters.
Stellan was born last summer, perfectly healthy after his parents were told he was suffering from a fatal heart condition and would not live outside the womb. Last week he got a cold and was having lots of trouble breathing. His parents took him to the emergency room and they
gave him a couple of
nebulizer treatments. He had a terrible reaction and his little heart is now back in
SVT, the same condition he had
You can read all of their story by clicking on their respective buttons if you would like to know more about them and their families and their conditions. Both of these children have
Godly parents who are trusting God with the life of their child.
I would ask you to pray for these boys. As a mom of a boy, I am convicted to pray as unceasingly as possible for my son and the other young men of his generation. These precious infant and toddler boys are the future leaders of our nation, our churches and our families. We desperately need boys who are raised to be God fearing and God loving men. Pray not only for the health of these boys, but for the strength, energy and faith of their parents. I CANNOT fathom, and pray I never have to, making the decisions these parents are facing in the midst of watching my precious boy suffering.
I am reminded, moment by moment, smile by toothy little smile how precious this time with
Jax is, and what a gift he is! We are so blessed, even when it feels as if the rest of our "world" is crumbling around us. Please keep these boys in your prayers (and feel free to pray for my little guy too!)
Love you all!