Well, it finally got here! Time to turn the Great Pumpkin into the Great Jack O Lantern! Mommy and Daddy are amateurs when it comes to the carving part, since this is the first year they have done this, so Granny and Granddaddy came over to supervise. This is one last shot before the carving begins!
This is Daddy getting some final advice about how to cut the lid open. It has to be cut on an angle so that it won't fall down inside.

OOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooooooooo!!!! Gross! What is all that stuff? I think Daddy is going to have to handle this part!
Ok, ok, I'll help too. Boy, there sure are lots of seeds in this big ole pumpkin!
This is so fun! I love doing these things with Dad, and he will do just about anything to be sure I have good memories!
Hanging with Granddaddy in the garage, trying to stay warm and not miss any fun.
Stirring the bowl full of seeds that came out of the pumpkin. We were going to save the seeds and try to grow our own next year, but decided we had so much fun going to the pumpkin patch this year that we tossed them in the trash. They were slimy, but fun to play in!!!
Here it comes! They are moving it to the porch! Get out of the way!! Don't drop it!
TA DA!! Look what a great job Daddy did carving the Great Jack O Lantern of 2009!!
This has nothing to do with the Great Jack O Lantern, but Mommy had to put it on here to show what happens when she leaves her purse on the kitchen table while she runs to the potty. For the record, lip gloss does not clean up nearly as easy as it goes on. Mom scrubbed and scrubbed, fussing the whole time about boys not wearing make up.
I think that's all for now. I'll post pictures of my Halloween costume later this weekend!