This is Carie, hijacking Jax's blog to share some things with you. Of course, being Mom to Jax is the most rewarding thing I have ever done. However, there are times that are trying and frustrating. Often those times arise because I am distracted or because i am driving and he is strapped in the car seat out of reach or because I have not fully learned to think like a two year old boy. My mother says little boys are different than little girls in every they think, what they will try, when and where they learn to do things...they are just very different creatures. Now, all of that said, here is a list of things that I have actually said, out loud, sometimes more than once, to my precious BOY. There are no pictures to accompany this post....just conjure up your favorite image of my boy and then let your imagination run wild...I promise you can't make it worse than it actually was!
Jax, please don't lick the bottom of your boots!
Why is there a football in my kitchen sink?
Please stop sweetie. It's not nice to lick the wall in the beauty shop.
Do Not pick things up off the sidewalk and put them in your mouth!
Just because that candle smells good doesn't mean you should have bitten it.
No, No, No!! We do not EAT ladybugs!
I know you like to play in the water, but the toilet bowl is NOT for playing!!
The brush Mommy uses to clean the toilet is NOT an appropriate hairbrush.
Get OUT of the dryer!
Do not lick the inside of the dishwasher.
We do not drink out of cans once they are in the garbage.
Walking in a puddle makes your shoe wet, not clean...DO NOT lick your shoes!
No, you may not have that candy that's laying in the parking lot.
Don't put your mouth on the buggy.
Please stop opening the groceries until we have paid for them.
Stop eating that Rice Krispies box.
Daddy's hammer is not like your toy hammer. You may not play with Daddy's hammer.
Grosssssss! Put that plunger back in the garage and go wash your hands RIGHT NOW!!!
I'm sure there are more that I'm not thinking of right now, but for now, that's all there is. Even amidst all of the frustrating and gross things that occur, Jax is really a good little guy. I am so blessed and humbled to be the Mom to such a smart, funny, loving, tender and curious little guy. I just hope we both survive 'til he reaches adulthood!