I got to hunt eggs for the first time this year, and it was great! We went to Gingle's (Aunt Nelda's) house and had a great time!
We were celebrating Nanny's 88th Birthday, and Easter at the same time. The big kids had their own area of the yard for hunting eggs and I got to hunt in a smaller part of the yard all by myself. I found TWO eggs with $1.00 in them, and lots more that were all over the place. The Easter Bunny must have taken a long time to hide them all because there was certainly a basket full!
Hunting Eggs Is Hard Work!!
We skipped the big egg hunt at church this year because it was cold and damp. I wanted to go, but you know how Mom's are...it's too cold, it's too damp, you'll get a cold...blah blah blah. It really worked out well that we planned not to go though because we had a terrible storm the night before and it blew two trees down in our yard. Granddaddy and Daddy got them all cleaned up. Mom and Granny decided that the three of us had a date with the Eater Bunny at the mall, so off we went to have my picture made. When we got back, the power was still out and we got to go eat Mexican and spend the night at Granny and Granddaddy's house. So the morning of the egg hunt at church, we slept in and headed home loooooonnngggg after the egg hunt was over. Mom ran some errands (edited by Mom to say I had to help the Easter Bunny!). Then, we dyed eggs! It was so fun, and I got to play in the cups of color, then I got to take a bath! I love to take a bath! Mom took lots more pictures after my bath of me with my newly dyed eggs. The only bad thing about them is if you bang them around on the kitchen island, they break! Mom said, no big deal! We are not going to cry over cracked eggs!

Amazing !!!!!!
I did that??
Mommy's Little Bunny
Cool Bunny!
Easter morning was a whirlwind. I was snoozing snuggly in my beddyby when Mom came in and woke me up! Off to church for the early service, then to the Mountain City Club for a fantastic Easter Buffet. There was french toast sticks, scrambled eggs, bacon, cheese grits, fried chicken, prime rib, turkey, ham, salmon, lamb, meatloaf, mac n cheese, mashed potatoes, green beans, broccoli casserole, and some other things I've forgotten. It all looked so good, and looked even better on me! I wouldn't eat a bite, but I did manage to have a bite of Mom's chocolate cake and some other goodies out of my diaper bag stash!
Aunt Audi, Uncle Bubba and Me!...keeping my eyes on that giant rabbit!
Family, and a Giant White Rabbit....not sure about that!
When we got home, the Easter Bunny had COME TO MY HOUSE!!!! He left me a basket full of things, a soft bunny to snuggle, some books, a tractor plate and cup and CANDY!
By the way, Daddy, where are my Jelly Beans? The only trouble I had was getting the grass from my basket off my feet. It just stuck like glue and wouldn't come off. Of course, a little guy couldn't get any help, just Mom and Dad laughing at me and taking pictures!
It was really neat, but I was really tired, so we loaded into Daddy's truck and went on a little road trip to a nursery to get some Spring plants. Mom's a blooming idiot...I mean Mom's an idiot over things that bloom. (Edited by Mom to say...I resemble that remark!). After we got home, I got into my Jammies and we headed to the farm for more Easter treats. There were these ginormous eggs in Granny's front yard...more than Daddy could carry! And, guess what....the Easter Bunny had been to Granny's house too! There was a water globe that plays music....but everytime I picked it up, Mama jumped up and followed me all over the place with her hands under it. There were three bunnies, two that played music, and one whose ears jumped and twitched! Candy of course, but I've been getting bits of chocolate for a couple of weeks now..yummy chocolate!! Whew, what a weekend! I had lot of fun and can't wait for the next holiday!
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