Well, the holidays are upon us again! You know what that means, lights, shopping, carols, cookies, and PARADES!! I do love a parade, although this year there were a few times I wasn't too sure about parts of them. For example, why do the fire engines have to wait right until they get to me and blare the siren and honk that horn? Really, it's enough to make a guy wet his diaper! Anyway, Mom and Dad have taken me to three parades this year, so without further ado, here's some memories!

Not exactly sure what to expect as this first parade was kicking off. This was the parade at Hamilton Place Mall. Apparently Santa lives there for a month or so before Christmas and takes requests. Hmmmm, requests....."Mom, can we go to the mall?"

I couldn't leave this one out! It's the Chick -Fil-A float, only my favorite fast food place to eat. I call it Chick-Pil-A.

And here comes the big guy! Santa arrived at Hamilton Place in a shiny red bug. Pretty fitting since we are getting a new Volkswagon plant here!

This was the East Ridge Parade. We sat in the back of DaDa's truck and could see everything! It was COLD!!

In East Ridge, Santa arrived atop a big red fire engine.
For the Gatlinburg Parade, we always go eat at the Park Grill first. Then we kill some time taking family pictures by their outdoor fireplace. This year, we took about 150 and got 6 or 7 good ones. If everyone in the picture would learn to squirm, look away or close their eyes when I do, maybe taking a picture wouldn't be so difficult. It's so hard to get adults to pose!

GrNanny and Dada all bundled for the parade.

This year, my JeanJean went with us for the first time. It was so much fun!!
Love me some JeanJean!!

Unc Bubba and Aunt Audi sure know how to make a boy look good!
Aren't they cute?

The Hatmakers

The Gatlinburg Parade has a few things we don't see around here too often.
Yes, those are camels.

No, she's not 150 years old, and no, she isn't some fairytale grandmother. Her head got cold and she wrapped her scarf around her head. I just couldn't resist. Hahaha!!

Bagpipes! They sure are beautiful, but loud and hard to dance to.
It didn't stop me from trying though!

I managed to squire Aunt Audi away from Unc Bubba for the parade.

Once I got her, I sure wasn't letting go. I held on tight except when the marching bands went by and I loosed my grip and patted her shoulder to the rhythm of the drums.

At last! Santa and his flight crew. Now that's one good looking Santa, and of course he's the real one because he has the sleigh!
Stay tuned, my next post will be all about the rest of our Gatlinburg weekend,
including S-N-O-W!!
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