I know it's been a month or so since my last post, but I have just been tooooo busy to blog. It is finally warming up here, and let me just tell you, Spring may be my favorite season yet! For example, I love to hear the birds chirping, and then try to find them. Then, I look at Mommy and say, "Let's catch 'em!". She's not as keen on bird catching as I am. It seems she has this notion that birds are faster than Mommy's. Maybe so, but I'm not sure they are faster than two year olds! But I digress...I do that alot...
Mommy and GrNanny have been working on a project that has taken alot of their time and attention the last couple of weeks. The good thing about it for me is that they have been doing it at my house. GrNanny has been over a lot during the days and I think that is cool. Today while she was there, Mommy got out the big BIG pot and put all our eggs in it. They cooked for a very long time, and she left them to cool. Tonight, when Daddy got through cutting grass, and we ate supper, Mommy said it was time to dye my eggs. She made Daddy put me in some dark jammies and we were off! I know I did this last year because there are pictures, but this was amazing! You put a perfectly good white egg into a cup of "it's hot, don't touch" colored water, and the egg changes colors....See??

Dying Easter Eggs is a non aggressive sport. Mom had a hard time convincing me of that. In my mind, a death grip on the eggs was the only way to hold them. Mommy would remind me with every egg to be gentle, don't squeeze, but I kept getting this crazed, "squeeze the yolk" out of it look on my face, and Mommy would have to touch me on the arm and remind me to put the egg on the spoon. Once, I bypassed the spoon and released the egg directly into the cup of dye. Blue splatters went all over the place, but Mommy said it was no big deal. Overall, it was a lot of fun, and I only crushed three in my "death by egg dying" event.

We finally got them all finished and into Mommy's special Easter Basket that she only uses for my eggs. Tonight, she said she thought it would be a miracle if the basket lasted through Easter, even if it is only 4 days away. Then she put it on a tall shelf.

Daddy and I were making bunny faces when Mommy took this picture, so I'm halfway between a bunny and a boy...like a Jax Rabbit...haha...get it?? Jack Rabbit, Jax Rabbit...oh well, I thought it was cute.

Drum Roll Please..........The big project that Mommy and GrNanny have been working on????
They have measured and cut and sewed and unstitched and sewn again. It looks like they have been exploding rabbits all over our house. I'm not kidding. There is white rabbit hair EVERYWHERE!!!! It was worth it though, today they took me to the mall to have my picture made with the Easter Bunny. I wasn't at all sure about him (although come to find out it was a girl in a bunny suit). I finally decided it would be ok to stand next to the bunny, but no closer. After they had taken a few pictures, the bunny tried to put her arm around me, but I held firm and pushed her away, gently but firmly. Let's just say she's no Santa Claus. I did however tell the Easter Bunny about this certain John Deere truck that I would like to get in my basket. Mommy told GrNanny it was a good thing they didn't wait until Saturday night to take me to see the Easter Bunny, because she now had some shopping to do. Whatever, I just can't wait to get that truck and a bicycle helmet so I can ride my trike outside! Sorry, digressing again...Here's the the picture of the cutest Easter Bunny ever and the one who brings goodies for your baskets.
I'll post more later. Mommy says this weekend should be full of photo opportunities!
Love you all!