As promised, here are some pictures from our sp-egg-tacular Easter weekend. It was a whirlwind, and was jam packed with fun! It all started on Saturday when we were going to Nanny's house for our family Easter celebration and egg hunt. Now, for those of you who are just joining my blog, Nanny is my Great Grandmother. She will be 89 years old on April 9th, and we are just thrilled that she felt like having us all at her house. It was a beautiful day, so sit back, grab some peeps or chocolate bunnies, and live vicariously through me!
Mom spent all day Friday baking and decorating cakes. These are the fruits of her labor. Possibly the best thumbprint cookies on the planet. I like them, and I'm not a big fan of cookies.
These are egg cupcakes that she made for everyone who was there.
And because Nanny requested it, an egg cake. This was a good chance for Mommy to practice some of what she has learned in the cake decorating classes she and GrNanny have been taking.
After we ate, we got to hunt eggs. Now last year I was too little to grasp the concept. Mommy and Daddy and GrNanny would just point at the eggs and tell me to pick them up. I did what they said. This year was a little different. While I still don't get the full grasp of running around the backyard and "finding" the eggs, I definitely did understand that the eggs had either candy or money in them. I did not understand that I should gather as many as I could and then open them up later. You see, this is the very first one I found. It had some coins in it, and I stopped hunting in order to pocket those coins. Let's get our priorities straight here...
I found some more in the low places that were intended for me. Then I found one up high. Sometimes a guy just needs a little help. Thanks Aunt Audi for the assist!
This one I found on my own. On a side note, isn't this a gorgemous bush? Nanny has some real beauties in her yard!
Look, Mommy! I found one!!
This is me saying, "CHEESE". Mommy kept trying to get me to stop for just a sec and say cheese, so I did!

Nanny had ziploc bags for all us kiddos to put our "stash" in when the egg hunt was over. Mommy and Daddy helped me open up all my eggs and sort the money from the candy. Nanny kept the eggs to refill and hide for next year! WhooooHooo!!!
This is me and two of my cousins, Kate and Maggie. My other cousin, Lawton was out for a ride in Unc Bubba's T-Bucket at the time we took this picture. He's cool, and was really sweet to share with me when he was passing the football with Unc Bubba.
Maggie is the diva of the four of us. She loves dancing, and was twirling around and around while telling me that I had squished bugs on my feet. I never did see them on my feet, but I definitely did take a look.
That night, I got my bath, and Mommy got my basket all ready to leave for the Easter Bunny. We left out two carrots and some of Mommy's thumbprint cookies and some milk. I tasted the milk and took a little nibble out of one of the cookies just to be sure they were yummy. I also licked both carrots, but they weren't as yummy. I hope he leaves me that bicycle helmet I want so badly!!
Mommy took this picture before I got up on Sunday morning of my haul. It was almost like Christmas!! He even found one of my favorite pappy's that I had lost.
"What do you mean he ate ALL of the cookies, drank ALL of the milk, and left me a stub of this yucky carrot?
Ohhhhh, this soft, fluffy bunny makes it better!
The Easter Bunny brought my long awaited helmet, and some wonderful gloves!!!!!
And Chocolate Bunnies!!! I can have this right now, for breakfast, right NOW???? RIGHT, MOM? .....Sure, go ahead!
Check out the size of this chocolate rabbit! Can I have this right now too, Mommy??...No, I don't think so.
Seriously, I want that rabbit right now.
A paint with water book. Cool! I can't wait to paint!
Duck Whistles!!
My newest cousin, James Lucas Underwood was being baptised at Red Bank United Methodist on Easter Morning, so we went to church with that part of our family. I was pretty good, better than Mommy and Daddy thought I would be. I was pretty content most of the service, as long as I got to wear my gloves! At least they match my outfit!
This is Jim, or Baby James as I call him, with his Mommy and Daddy, Rick and Kelli. He's really adorable, and I like to touch his feet!
Here he is getting baptised. Such a precious moment!
Afterwards, Jim took a little nap in his Daddy's arms and then was bright eyed and bushy tailed for his Mama. It was like he was playing peek-a-boo!
After church, we went to the Mountain City Club for lunch. I ate lots of steak, then jumped head long into this chocolate cupcake. Yum!!
The Easter Bunny was at the Mountain City Club, and I went to see him after I finished my lunch. Aunt Audi was walking me around so that Mommy could finish her lunch. We went upstairs and I suddenly remembered to tell the Easter Bunny that I got my gloves he left me. So, despite the club full of people eating their lunch, I proceeded to shout, "I got my gloves!" It was terribly adorable!
JeanJean was here for Easter this year, and it was Aunt Audi's birthday. Aren't they beautiful? Happy Birthday Aunt Audi!
A big squeeze and a big cheese with the birthday girl!
The group shot. We were all stuffed and tired and ready to go. Look at my Dada playing peek-a-boo! Silly Dada!
After a well earned nap, Mommy and Daddy had one more surprise for me. There was a carnival at the mall! Daddy and I both got arm bands so that we could ride as many rides as many times as we wanted.
These big guys reminded me of the dragons from dragon tales, so I wasn't afraid of them. Dad had to ride with me because I am too little, but they were fun! They go around in a big circle while spinning at the same time. Whoaaaaa!
There were lots of kiddie rides there too that I got to ride all by myself. This one was 4 wheelers, and I loved it! Mommy took this picture after the ride was over because every one she took of me going by had my eyes closed. She said "open your eyes and let me take your picture". Apparently my eyes and mouth are attached!
Flying Goldfish! These were just like a big version of the little snack crackers I love so. Wheee!!!
All Aboard!! I had to ride it twice to get to be the conductor, but it was worth it. Actually, this was the only ride that I cried when it was time to move on to another ride.
Daddy had to ride the carousel with me because I was too small to ride it by myself. Plus, the last time I was on a carousel, I was afraid and didn't enjoy it very much. None of that this time, I l-o-v-e-d it. It was the first and last thing we rode, and I was sad to see that ride end!
I think that's all for now. I hope you enjoyed it! Check back again soon because this spring is proving to be full of firsts. Today we went to a playground! I'll save that for another post though. Thanks for reading!

Love, Jax
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