Thursday, November 6, 2008

Thank You McEwen's for my Cool New Playhouse!

Granddaddy works with a man named Warren McEwen. His kiddos are growing up and outgrowing some of their toys, specifically this really neat playhouse. They offered to pass it down and Granddaddy jumped at the offer. It is now on my screen porch and is a great way to burn some energy! Mom snapped these pictures a couple of months ago, and forgot to post them. I found them and must share! It has been so long ago that I can't even wear those jammies anymore!
I have so much fun climbing and poking my head through all the holes. Mom and Dad have to really watch me though because I don't know that I could fall right through one of those holes. I am not at all sure about the slide. It scares me going down, but it makes all the grown ups act silly saying things like "Wheeee" and "Whoo Hooo". Whatever makes 'em happy! One thing we have learned is that jammies and socks are not the best thing to wear when climbing. They are slippery and make it hard for a guy to stand up and make tracks! That's why I'm the nude dude in the last picture. (Don't worry, I do have a diaper on under those rolls!) Much better in my skin, except on the slide! My belly made a funny squeaky noise on the slide when I went down with no clothes on! Thank You Thank You Thank You McEwen Family!!! You made a little Hatmaker boy very happy!

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