Sunday, March 1, 2009

Mom's Turn

Hey Y'all! Mom is hijacking my blog to post some videos...There are just some things that a 15 month old can't do! Hope you enjoy, and don't hold 'em against me when I'm a big kid.
Ok, so we are just getting around to downloading some of the videos we have taken over the last 15 months. These are three that we actually took this past Friday night, but there will be more to come sooner than later, so check back!
*Disclaimer: Please pay no attention to the silly parents carrying on, laughing or cheering in the background. Also, please ignore the laundry basket of clean clothes needing folding or the scads of toys needing to be put away. Babies don't keep, chores do!
I call this one Learning to Ride a Fire Engine.

And, finally, SUCCESS! Riding a Fire Engine!

Once he figured out how to get on the fire engine, it was on to his horse. This has been sitting in the Den since Christmas, and he has played with it, but since Friday night, it has taken on a whole new level of FUN!

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